
PTC Fundraiser for Sly Park and Student Activities

The students will begin a new fundraiser on Monday, August 17 by selling Z Best Entertainment books.  Each student will receive a book in their sixth period class by providing their signature on a form that the teachers have.  The proceeds from the sales will go towards Sly Park fees for our sixth graders, school dances, and other events aimed at promoting positive behavior on our campus.  There are many benefits to this event and we would greatly appreciate any support that you can give to the cause!

All Students
*  A free book is given to a student for every 5 sold
*  For 2 books sold, the student will be entered into a raffle for a $5 Starbucks or Chipotle gift card
    (we have 4 of each card)
*  For 3 books sold, we will be holding a raffle for a $25 Visa gift card
*  The student who sells the most books will get a $50 Visa gift card

Sixth Grade (in addition to the rewards mentioned above)
*  75% of the proceeds from each book go directly to the student that made the sale for their Sly Park
    fees.  The other 25% will go to our PTC to help fund classroom projects, teacher appreciation days,
    and needs of the school that arise each year
*  The sixth grade class that sells the most books will have a pizza party in their sixth period class to
    celebrate their accomplishment

We thank you in advance for supporting this fundraiser, it will benefit our school greatly.  Our school is respected now more than ever due to our amazing students and the support from home!